Mon, 02 Sep 2019 09:42:24 -0500 Keaton Fixing functionality A bare-bones test server was set up and account creation and authentication was achieved through SQRL. Old documentation needs to be updated, and new documentation needs to be written (mostly for using the drop-in login). At this point, the SQRL authentication protocol for Django is functional! Further work needs to be done to test drop-in support for already-running sites. If possible, that would be the ideal end goal; making it as easy as possible to propagate SQRL through the internet. -------------------- Mon, 02 Sep 2019 04:56:45 -0500 Keaton Completing functional conversions Not much is verified to work yet. All tests pass, however functionality is not guaranteed. This update is being pushed to the dev git in order for an easier setup of a test server with SSL. Things changed: No idea, just squashed bugs that were causing tests to fail. Future development note: The original package supports insecure "qrl://" schema, and as far as I can tell, that's not supported. I will probably post on the SQRL forums about it, and remove the functionality completely if the consensus is that it is not legitimate. -------------------- Mon, 02 Sep 2019 02:03:23 -0500 Keaton Still building initial conversions Everything is still completely untested. These conversions were done a few weeks ago, so my memory on any design changes is a little rusty. Aside from what's listed below, all changes are just compatibility fixes. - Removed references to six since we're dropping Python 2 support - Removed references to QR code urls since those will be browser generated - Added template for creating a drop-in SQRL login element - Also changed some variable names to be less confusing - Changed login pages to use drop-in element -------------------- Wed, 14 Aug 2019 12:14:52 -0500 Keaton fix typo -------------------- Wed, 14 Aug 2019 11:52:59 -0500 Keaton Initial commit Project is still completely unworkable and unfinished, just starting to initialize things. --------------------